Thursday, September 8, 2011

What do I want to do my research project on Idea 2

As a microbiology major and premed track student, you are asked many questions in your first year of college. Questions like "what do yo want to do with your major?", "do you want to go to medical school?", and "why do you want to do premed"? For me, the last question has always been the most important. My family and friends are constantly asking my what it is that inspires me to be a dermatologist, and by now they should know that I want to be in dermatological field because I am fascinated with skin. For some people though, when they are asked why they want to be a doctor, the answer does not come as easily. Do people really choose their careers based off passion these days, or could other factors be contributing to their decisions. For example in the medical field especially you find many people who have only chosen this route for their lives because of the money. Are they really passionate about what they are doing, and do they really care about each and every patient, or do they care more about the amount of zeros on their paycheck. The same could go for lawyers, politicians, stock brokers, etc. Do people really choose their jobs based off love anymore? Even I went through an experience like this in high school when I first started thinking about my future career. Back in high school I had always thought that I would make the perfect math teacher, but when I found out how much money they made a year I started immediately re-evaluating my interests.  By doing my research paper on this topic I could investigate what factors are really involved when it comes down to choosing future career. If people really loved what they did, then the world should not be filled with as much hate and crime as it is now. At some point and time people made the wrong decision of basing their lives off strictly money. I know it sounds cliche but you have to love what you do and do what you love!

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