Thursday, September 29, 2011

Research Prospectus

For my research paper, I have been investigating the various factors that combine to cause breakouts. As an aspiring dermatologist and premed student I am very intrigued by this subject and immediately knew the route I wanted to take with this research paper when it was initially assigned. Over the past few years, I have specifically become fascinated with what actually causes acne. Although many people may find acne to be disgusting, I see it as one sciences greatest unsolved medical mysteries. For example, although doctors can explain to patients what acne is and how a pimple is created, they can never really explain why this specific patient is being affected by acne. Is it genetics? Is it the patient’s lifestyle? Is it too much stress? Is it the patient’s diet? See, there is no real answer when it comes to the world of breakouts! Acne is an “unknown territory” in the medical world and it is waiting to be explored even further. When I first began researching this topic I began with the mindset that the condition of our skin is based off more than just genetics, and that there are certain “outside factors” that also contribute to our breakouts. As I went further into my research I discovered that some possible outside factors could be things such as stress level of a person, eating habits, and even hygiene. So with all these lurking variables present, how could we simply blame adolescence and puberty as the single cause of our breakouts? Although acne may just seem to be an innocent, common, unavoidable side effect of puberty, it is actually defined in the medical world as a skin disease. Based off this definition, one would believe that there is a cure to the “disease” acne vulgaris (acne), but surprisingly enough thee is no cure that has been discovered (at least none that I am aware of). My goal in becoming a dermatologist is that one day I can create an organic way of curing acne that rids patients of blemishes through other means than just antibiotics and topical creams like what is commonly used now. I am a strong believer in the fact that our diet plays a large part in the condition of our skin. I think that our breakouts and acne are a direct reflection of our food consumption. For example, eating nothing but junk food will cause an increase in acne. Maybe when your face breaks out it is just a way of your body trying to tell you that it does not react well with that certain food.... maybe you are even mildly allergic to that certain food that caused the breakout. Imagine if the cure for acne could be as simple as adjusting your diet! It would be the world's cheapest medicine. If people are willing to pay hundreds of dollars for prescription medicine (which I myself even thought was a good idea at one point) then they should be willing to give an organic diet a chance! Our bodies are not meant to be treated like trash, so it only makes sense that if we feed it trash, it will look like it.
            At the moment my working thesis question is “Does a certain diet affect the condition of our skin”? But this is a very general thesis question and as my research continues, it will become more specific. In my paper I would also like to address the issue of how eating organically and avoiding certain foods affects the condition of our skin. I am also hoping to answer questions like “Does stress level cause acne?” for this is a lurking variable that needs to be discussed so it does not confound my true question regarding diet. In order to support my thesis I will have to explain the process of how acne is actually created. By this I mean how an actual pimple is created on the skin. I might even have to give some insight on the history of acne.
            A possible counterargument that I might face during my research is that acne is a natural part of every person’s life, and that it just goes hand in hand with puberty and adolescence. These “naturalists” will think my theory of acne being controlled by diet is just a coincidence, and that the food we consume generally has no affect over our appearances.
            To gain information about this topic I will be collecting my research from only credible sources. This includes things like pamphlets and brochures regarding acne from a dermatologist’s office, books about skincare, and medical journals. On one website for dermatologists I found two medical journals that could aid me in my research. One of the journals titled “Teenage Acne: Got milk?” discusses the specific effects of milk and dairy on the condition of teenagers skin. The other journal “Acne is common, complex and chronic” is meant more to explain the basics behind acne and breakouts. To gain information about the history of acne I found a book titled Skin: a natural history at Marston Science library. In doing this research I hope to answer my question of how does diet affect the condition of our skin, and also prove that acne can be treated in organic ways as well as through medicine.
            The topic of skincare has interested me for the longest time, and I am very excited that I am getting the chance to write a research paper on something that I am actually very interested in. In completing this research paper, I am hoping that I will have conquered the first step in my all-organic cure of acne.


  1. Carlie,

    Cool topic. As is obvious from my own appearance, I have struggled with bad acne ever since my teen years. I'd like to believe that I actually eat pretty decently, although not completely organically. i think this is a good thesis with a lot of possible counterarguments/counter-research you will have to address. I think that you need to maybe frame the diet thing as PREVENTATIVE and not just REACTIVE care. Most people consider acne "natural" (as you point out) and don't take many precautions to prevent its happening. Instead, we use (as you also pointed out) topical creams and, from my own experience, pills called Accutane that have potentially damaging side effects (they claim suicidal thoughts may occur). In order to make your argument, you may want to show the danger or at the least ineffectiveness of reactive skin care solutions such as topical creams and drugs like Accutane.

    Looking forward to working with you on this. Great prospectus.

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