Thursday, September 8, 2011

Research Blog 1....what do I want to do my project on?

For the past few years I have expressed an interest in pursuing a career as a dermatologist. While some people may be grossed out at the idea of burning off moles and popping pimples on a regular basis, I find it quite fascinating! For me, the whole world of skin care is like one giant mystery waiting to be solved. For example, why do some teenagers get horrendous breakouts during their childhood while others go almost completely unaffected by acne, and why is it that certain people can be in the  sun all day and not  come home burnt, but their best friend may come home from the same beach trip resembling a lobster. As a microbiology major, I am very intrigued by the idea of the control of human features and traits via genes, however, sometimes I believe that human skin is controlled by more than just DNA. I have always wondered whether our diet affects the condition of our skin. In other words, do certain foods cause our faces to breakout? Would eating a strictly organic diet and drinking only water keep our skin looking fresh and blemish free? By doing my research paper on this topic, I am hoping that I could further investigate these questions, and even possibly come up with an answer. I do believe that what we put into our bodies does effect our outward appearances. Maybe when your face breaks out it is just a way of your body trying to tell you that it does not react well with that certain food....maybe you are even mildly allergic to that certain food that caused the breakout. Imagine if the cure for acne could be as simple as adjusting your diet! It would be the world's cheapest medicine. If people are willing to pay hundreds of dollars for prescription medicine(which I myself even thought was a good idea at one point) then they should be willing to give an organic diet a chance! Our bodies are not meant to be treated like trash, so it only makes sense that if we feed it trash, it will look like it.

1 comment:

  1. Both of these ideas are good starting points. The second one may be easier to find research on, as the first idea would depend on survey evidence (which you may be able to find). The second one also lends itself to an argument. You could make the argument that an organic diet (you would have to define what that is) contributes to healthy skin. This is a researchable and contestable thesis.
